Marketing Analytics

Marketing Analytics

Organizations large and small are inundated with data about consumer choices. But that wealth of information does not always translate into better decisions. Knowing how to interpret data is the challenge — and marketers in particular are increasingly expected...
Marketing Analytics

L’analyse marketing

Les organisations, quelle que soit leur taille, sont inondées de données sur les choix des consommateurs. Mais cette abondance d’informations ne se traduit pas toujours en de meilleures décisions. Savoir interpréter les données est le défi à relever, et il est...
Pricing Strategy in Practice

Pricing Strategy in Practice

In this project-centered course, Darden’s Ron Wilcox and BCG’s Thomas Kohler will walk you through a real-world case, from problem statement to detailed analyses. You’ll use all three lenses (cost, customer value, and competition) to recommend an...
Cost and Economics in Pricing Strategy

Cost and Economics in Pricing Strategy

How much should you charge for your products and services? Traditionally, businesses have answered this question based on the cost to produce or provide their goods and services. This course shows you the economic factors behind pricing based on cost and the pros and...
Customer Value in Pricing Strategy

Customer Value in Pricing Strategy

The traditional approach to pricing based on costs works to pay the bills, but it leaves revenue on the table. You can, in fact, price your products in a way that increases sales–if you know what your customers are willing to pay and can leverage psychology to...